Summertime and the season is leaving

however right now we in the Chicagoland area are enjoying these great days of summer. When we look at the east coast with their bouts with hurricanes, tropical storms & depressions - LOOK OUT, here comes another one - we are truly blessed in the weather department.

Earlier today I was out front sitting under our shade tree reading the daily paper while our two Toons were at my feet just watching our slice of the world go by. Things don't get much better.

Our next door neighbor is moving out. Being in the Navy this is not a new thing for him. Changing places is not new for that unit either. In the ten+ years we've lived here we can recall five different families who have lived there. Nothing wrong with the unit, those occupants have traveled. One family moved to CA, another to Italy, present one transferred to CA where his family lives and with each new resident the unit price goes up. Current buyer snapped this one up within just a few days after it was on the market. At this rate within a short time we 'originals' will have seen the price we paid doubled. Nice, but we still need to live somewhere.

My yesterday was interesting. Started early with a "ScatCan" - not at my usual clinic altho I was there at the appointed hour. The radiology unit at the Grayslake branch is looking for patients so the Gurnee guys of LFH suggested that since their equipment is brand new and faster maybe I should go there. Usually an appointment requires a few days notice, however this big, beautiful building is crying for work so when the call was made to see if I could get in -"Come on down. We'll be waiting for you." I almost expected to see a band greet me upon my arrival.

Yep, the machine is newer and the room is larger but it still took about the same amount of time. Being the only patient I received first class treatment which got me to thinking that I should go there for future Scans.

Results are not over to my cardiologist as of Tuesday afternoon. I expect good news.

After the Scan I met with the ladies at Panera's for lunch, the ladies being a UU friend of ours, Diane and her sister. That place does a terrific lunchtime business and is a regular stop for us when we eat out.

Then on to our book club. Luckily our UU lady joined us (having read the book we were discussing) so we had six members present along with Debbie, our discussion leader. Since I read this Back When We Were Grown Ups when first given to us and having read almost two books since, I discovered that I didn't remember much of this one. Not a very impressive read, I'd say. Diane and her sister didn't care for it at all.

Next book is Losing Nelson by Barry Unsworth, who has written several novels, at least one made into a film, so I will read it a week before we discuss it. Maybe then I will retain it.

Presently reading Myths After Lincoln, Lloyd Lewis, 1929 edition, which is most interesting. This volume has been in our family since the early 1930s and never really read more than a few pages, but now I find the narrative fascinating. The chapters on the Booth family and the detailing of John Wilkes Booth's hatred of Lincoln and how he botched just about everything he did makes it a page turner.

Besides it gives me something to do now that the elephants have taken over the TV for the week.